Wall Angel Part 2

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Wall Angel Part 2

Building Resistance

You’ve Should Have The Flexibility Now It’s Time To Go For Strength And Stamina. Only complete this part if you can comfortably get your arms flat to the wall and keep them there as you lower them on the Wall Angel. Make sure you read this first if this is the first you’ve heard of Wall Angel.

You Need Equipment For This!

What? Equipment? I hear you say. Never fear this is where the wonderful world of exercise bands come in to play. These are relatively inexpensive but highly versatile rubber bands, the beauty of these is that they improve your control of joint movement while under resistance. As the rubber is constantly working against you you have to work harder to control the bounce back so to speak. They come in a variety of resistances that are colour coded.

The other great thing about them is that they fold away and you won’t stubb your toes on them like a set of dumbells just hidden out of sight beneath the bed!

How To Add Stamina And Strength.

Take a two metre length of band and fold it over, start with a resistance that is comfortable. Remember no pain no gain is frankly a stupid way to train, so if you are struggling after just a few reps, get an easier band.


It’s great to be able to do a huge lift, but after one go you’re bust, what practical use is that in every day life?

Take the band as shown below between the hands and make sure you have some tension, then lower the arms and the band will stretch. Hold for a few secs, SLOWLY raise the arms back up, pause for a few seconds and repeat until you feel that you are starting to lose good form or beginning to tire between the shoulders. Remember if you are getting pain, reduce the resistance, if it continues to give pain STOP, go back to unloaded exercise, i.e. no band.

Start position (arms are actually not bent enough!)

Ladies, a little advice…don’t do this before going out, it can do strange things to the hair on the back of your head and you may end up looking like this.

Aim to do the exercise once or twice a day with a rest break of 2 days in the week. If you require more assistance you can contact me through the clinic website.

Have Fun!

Steve Oldale BSc, DC


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